Sunday 18 April 2010

Paint your target

This man is a genius...
Regardless of whatever is said about him Banksy is a legend.

To me, he is one of the greatest artists of our generation. He inspires so many to follow their dreams of painting and to express themselves.

The only difference is, is that he expresses himself on walls.

Now I know that this could be classed as vandalism and all that shit. But can it still be called vandalism if it's works of art? I mean seriously people, would you rather see boring stone walls, or brightly decorated pictures adorning your streets.

I know what I'd prefer.

But the only time that graffiti can be seen as bad, for me anyway, if when it starts becoming offensive or gang related. But there seems to be less and less of that around now. It all seems to be there simply as a means of an artist getting their work out into the public eye.

These people shouldn't be seen as criminals, they are merely artists.

In the US in the late 60's, graffiti was used as a form of expression by political activists. And is one of the four main elements of hip hop culture, alongside rapping, djing and breakdancing.

In 2004, 123 MP's, including Tony Blair signed a charter which stated...

Graffiti is not art, it's crime. On behalf of my constituents, I will do all I can to rid our community of this problem.

Yeah, because signing a petition is going to stop them isn't it?

Those in Stroud, Gloucestershire have got the right idea, by allowing certain spaces in the town where graffiti artists can showcase their talent. These constituences should be supporting the talent coming out of their towns, and they should be embracing it, not trying to keep it locked away!

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