Saturday 24 April 2010


Okie doodle. Gambling.

Where does it cross the line from being a harmless bit of fun to a full on problem? I think it's kinda hard to tell to be fair but I suppose it could be the same as most other things, when it starts becoming a daily habit that is taking over your life, you have a problem.

I suppose the really bad thing about gambling is the fact that once money starts coming into it, you are playing with fire. Gambling addictions can get damn expensive (obviously).

I know people who full on love a game of poker online. These sites, to me, are a major problem. I've known people to sit up playing for a good 12 - 24 hours if they've been good enough to keep getting into tournaments. This is unhealthy, even if it is only done once in a while. But according to a helpguide website, gambling is only a problem when it is happening on a daily basis.

This is how I think of gambling. You have the occasional dabble, knowing it's only a bit of fun and when you can afford it, say at the greyhound racing. Nothing wrong with that, as long as you know that it is only a bit of fun...

Now, imagine going from that to thinking, hmm, I could make me some money here, I'm gonna do this again... and again... and again...

THEN think of this. You are that desperate to gamble, you take money from your childrens' savings accounts.

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