Friday 23 April 2010

Wah Wah Wah

Ok, so this blog might offend some people. But I'm not going to apologise, if you are offended, then you are obviously one of the people I am talking about, and therefore I have no respect for you. That won't change until behaviours change, and that's just that.

One of the things that riles me more than life itself is women, and not just teenagers, but women who just pop children out, with no regards as to how they are going to clothe or feed them with their own money. I appreciate that benefits are available for most people. But some women and men deliberately go out of their way to have children in order to live in council properties and sponge off the state. Statistics have shown though, that 90% of teenage mothers live with someone else, usually their parents. It begs the question though, why would the parents allow it? I know I bloody wouldn't.
I've always been of the opinion that children should not be brought into the world unless they are coming into a stable home and to married parents. I know that not all marriages are not perfect, I've just always felt that one should be married before they have a child. Now I'm not slagging people off who have children out of wed lock at all, one of my best friends is an unmarried mother, and she is a damn good mother at that, her son is very much so lucky to have her as a mum!

I'll get around to my point then... The kinds of mothers that really piss me off, are those who have their kids, then spend every weekend going out and getting wankered. Leaving the kid with her parents, or the child's father who they are usually separated from. Now. How exactly is this setting a good example to your child? Have any of you ever watched snog, marry, avoid on BBC3? Picture one of those young mothers and tell me that you don't want to punch them in the face for being an irresponsible parent. I don't care how old they are when it comes to this, a parent should be at home looking after their child. And yeah, fair enough, if the parents are separated, go and have an occasional night out. But think about your actions and grow the fuck up.

I can never understand why children would want children. When I was 14 all I wanted to do was go and have fun with my friends. I certainly wasn't thinking about having children. I found this on a Yahoo! message board

Hey, Im a 15 yr old girl that is dying to get pregnant. I always feel alone and unloved so i firgure that this is the best way to have someone that loves me.

(note. I copied and pasted, the spelling mistake is not mine.)

Are these girls for real? Children are NOT dolls. They are not here to make us feel loved.
The only thing that this child needs is a psychiatrist.

Children are handed condoms from an early age to try and stop pregnancies and the spreading of STD's. Ok, fair enough, but handing out condoms to under 16's is almost like we're telling them it's ok to go and have sex, as long as they are protected. We are failing to teach them about the risks of STD's and just how much is involved in raising a child.

It all comes down to parents and schools. They need to actually teach children rather than shying away from what's really going on.

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