Tuesday 20 April 2010


Infidelity is a violation of the mutually agreed-upon rules or boundaries of an intimate relationship, which constitutes a significant breach of faith or a betrayal of core shared values with which the integrity of the relationship is defined. In common use, it describes an act of unfaithfulness to one’s husband, wife, or lover, whether sexual or non-sexual in nature. According to good old Wikipedia anyway... And I think it pretty much sums it up.

To me, cheating is a flat out turn off. As far as I am concerned if you are that unhappy or unsatisfied in your relationship, you leave your partner. There is NEVER any excuse to cheat. I'm not saying that everybody will agree with me, because I know full well that people won't. I'm just giving my opinion...

I have never cheated, and I never will. The thought of it turns my stomach to a point where I could physically be sick. I can never understand or agree with people's reasons for cheating on their partners and I could certainly never justify it. In the lecture, someone mentioned the scenario of your partner had been abusive towards you, so you cheating on them would get back at them. No it wouldn't. If they found out, it would piss them off so much that they would probably kill you next time they went into attacking mode. Think it through. Also, two wrongs don't make a right. Trying to justify being a whore and cheating on your partner because he beat you up is bull crap. If your partner was really that abusive, just pack your crap up and leave, or inform the police. Restraining orders are there for a reason.

As I said, I have never cheated, nor have I ever been cheated on (as far as I know), but I've known far too many people who have cheated on their partners and dragged me into the mess of it all. Now, for the record, I never asked them to bring me into it, I just can't help it if I have a friendly face and am easy to talk to! One friend in particular was cheating on her fiancée with one of their mutual friends. I knew all three of them well so you can only imagine the position I was put in. I was steaming mad that my friend was stupid enough to cheat, especially with her partners friend, but I was even more pissed that she had involved me in the mess. Now, my chum, she's incredibly manipulative, and she definitely knows how to wind people around her fingers (although her manipulations have never worked on me). Her partner never found out, and still doesn't know even now they have split up. But when her brother found out, her reaction was to take an overdose so that she could use the excuse of 'my head was all over the place, I didn't know what I was thinking'. (My friend is bipolar, she likes to use it as an excuse to behave like a prick.) Majorly cowardly I think you will agree. Since that point, I have distanced myself from her. With good reason!

If my partner ever cheated on me I think I would probably kill him. Although, he wouldn't dare. We both love being in a monogamous relationship and we tell each other everything. We are literally unable to hide things from each other, and I love that. I've never understood open relationships, and I don't think I ever actually will. Maybe I'm quite closed minded to things like that, but I got my morals and not much else, so I stick to them like glue. I think that it's one of the things my partner loves the most about me if I'm honest.
I actually just asked him, and he said it depends, because I can get a little 'high horsey' with them... woops.
He doesn't like my opinions on John Terry though. But as I just argued, he is a cheater, therefore he is a prick. Nuff said. My views on that man are quite strong, and I'll openly admit, I thought he was a nice bloke until recently. He seemed like the perfect husband, the perfect family man and the perfect candidate for the England Captaincy, but then he went and cheated on his wife and in come my morals and John Terry is now a prick. If he cheats on his family, then it leaves it open to wonder whether he would be capable of cheating for his country. That's my view anyway. Once a cheat, always a cheat.

I'm gonna get off my high horse now, but be warned Phil... cheat and this'll be the best thing that happens to you! Muhahahahaha!

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