Thursday 29 April 2010

Woof woof

Now, I cannot be accused of not doing my research for these blogs. In the name of research, I have found myself signing up to two websites, one of which deals with dogging and the other is like facebook, but for fetishes of a sexual nature.

I have no shame, I have to admit, and have found signing up to these sites possibly the funniest thing EVER. It's even funny when an, older shall we say, couple sends you pictures of their bits and pieces and ask you for a threesome. I would like to add at this point that the couple in question were around the ages of my parents. Needless to say, I said no thank you. This message was sent to me, within SECONDS of logging on. And after logging in today to see whether I had any new dirt in my inbox, yet again, more messages within minutes. Do these people just sit at their computers all day waiting for someone to come online so that they can message them and ask them to meet for sex?

I've always wondered why people would want to watch other people having sex? Now I'm not talking porn, thats for another blog, and to be at least, there is a massive difference. I mean people, everyday people, you and me, not these beautiful creatures with over enhanced breasts and cocks so big they literally scare me. I mean come on, why would you seriously get off on watching an old married couple going at it in the back of their hatchback? Or actually, for that matter, not even just an old married couple, young ones too!
Anyone, of any age, why? Save it for pornos!

Now, after logging on to fetlife and starting to set up my account, I got a little weirded out by the amount of things listed under sexual orientation. Don't get me wrong, or think I'm a homophobe or whatever, because that is seriously not the case at all. My bisexual friend who is a fetishist told me to go to the site as it would be helpful. I am also an active volunteer for the LGBT society, and even I didn't know what the hell half of them were about.
There were the usual, Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Queer, Asexual, Transgender M-F, Transgender F-M, etc etc, and the one that I'm most curious about, like most would be I imagine is Asexuality.

Asexuality in its broadest sense, describes lack of sexual attraction, or interest in or desire for sex. Sometimes, it is considered a lack of sexual orientation. One commonly cited study placed the incidence rate of asexuality at 1%.

Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy, which are behavioural and the latter is usually for a religious reason. A sexual orientation, unlike a behaviour, is definitionally "enduring". Some asexuals do have sex.

While Asexuals typically lack sexual desire for either sex, they may engage in emotional romantic relationships. There are certain terms regarding this:

  • Aromantic: lack of romantic attraction towards anyone of either sex.
  • Biromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of either sex.
  • Heteroromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of the opposite sex.
  • Homoromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of the same sex.
  • Panromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of any gender or lack of gender.
  • Transromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of variant or ambiguous gender.
  • Polyromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of more than one gender or sex but do not wish to identify as biromantic because it implies that there are only two binary genders or sexes.
I can only think that not being attracted to anyone must be horrible. Sex isn't everything, but not having a partner can be incredibly lonely. But then again, I suppose if you've never known it, then it's nothing different is it?

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