Friday 30 April 2010

Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?

Firstly, I would like to apologise for the Kitty porn, I just couldn't help myself!

Porn. How many times have you been caught watching it I wonder? I've never been caught. I'm too clever for that :)

But why is it so shameful for us to admit that we watch it? Is it not a part of human nature?

Let's face it. Porn is the biggest thing since sliced bread. Porn stars are everywhere, and are sometimes thought of as bigger stars than actors and actresses.

Now porn is different from blogging, porn is about the (most of the time) beautiful creatures of this earth getting it on for our enjoyment. Of course every man does not have a shlong that large and not every woman has gigantic breasts, but we still watch it.

There is a kind of porno for every taste, softcore, hardcore, fetish, orientation based (gay, straight, lesbian), watersports, race orientated, and reality.

Now what I can't understand is when people get addicted. Why would you continue to watch porn when it is ruining your marriage or even losing you your job? Website (yes, thats right!) has provided me with some interesting information regarding what could be the cause of porn addictions. Now I'm not a scientist, nor do I claim to be good at science, but it all sounds really kinda cool...

Whether the motive for consuming pornography is sexual appetite, escape/self-medication, or any other reason, engaging in these addictions causes the brain and body to endogenouslyproduce and release chemical drugs into its own system. These chemicals include: epinephrine (an adrenal gland hormone that "locks-in" memories of experiences occurring at times of high arousal), adrenaline, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), noradrenaline, norepinephrine and testosterone, among others. This drug is dragging millions of troubled victims along in its destructive wake.
So... are you worried that you could be addicted to porn?

And you'll find out :)

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