Wednesday 5 May 2010


I found your blog on unemployment incredibly insulting. I am unemployed at present, and it isn't because I don't want to work. I lost my job in 2008 and was unable to find one, so I worked in a tattoo studio, for no wage other than tattoos as payment. I then got a job in a pub kitchen, but I gave it up voluntarily to concentrate on University. My partner has only ever had one job, in between university, as he wanted to concentrate on his studies - therefore making him voluntarily unemployed.

My cousin fell pregnant a couple of years ago, and has had to make the decision to not return to work due to the fact that if her partner and herself both worked, they would have even less money than they have now as they would have to pay out childcare costs as well as all of the bills for the property they own.

You appear to have completely ignored the fact that many people are voluntarily unemployed, with no medical conditions, for a specific reason. Many of them have worked up until the point of them no longer working, and have therefore paid into the pot, which is there to help people who are unemployed.

Yes, there is a large amount of people out there who choose not to work just so that they can sponge off the state, but to tar everyone who is unemployed with the same brush is just as bad as say, saying that all Muslim's are terrorists or that all German's are Nazis. It is slanderous and it is lies.

And with regard to your point about those who are unemployed are more likely to commit crimes. Where is your proof? All of the criminals that I have come to know are all employed, some of which even own their own businesses.

Even drug addicts have to work in the most cases to fund their habits. Women (and men) who are addicted to heavy drugs will turn to prostitution to fund their habits. Are they any worse than the voluntarily unemployed?

I may as well add right here, that in a few years when the time comes for me to become a mother, I will again become voluntarily unemployed, in order to look after my children. As to me, a mother being with her child while they are growing up is more important than whether they are unemployed or not.

Oh and by the way, as you're a student, you don't actually pay taxes, so that point is invalid.

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