Wednesday 5 May 2010

Two responses...


That girl was so full of shit. The closest to my face that I have had a tattoo is behind my ear but I've watched people have their faces tattooed. I had to hold one woman's head still while she had hers done. If that bird had 'fallen asleep' I guarantee she would have woken up pretty fucking quickly as soon as the needles went into her skin.

I am slightly offended by the title of your blog though. I have to completely disagree with you, and it isn't just because I have tattoos myself. I disagree because tattooing is a form of artwork. As I said in my blog on the subject, those with tattoos just simply choose to use their skin as their canvasses for their stories.

Tattoos can look worse as you get older, and I say CAN. If you look after your skin, then you are less likely to get wrinkles therefore prolonging the life of your tattoos. Tattooing has changed so much from what it used to be. My stepdad has awful tattoos that were done on him when he was my age, and the only reason why they have gone the way they have is because no one knew how to look after them properly in those days.

I don't get offended when people say that they hate tattoos. But I completely disagree with people who say that it is awful ink. As I said in my response to Jamie, tattoos are works of art, not inky messes. Yes girls who have the same tattoo as Cheryl Cole will very much so regret it in probably 2 years, as they will look at it and realise just how shit it actually is. And those who have their boyfriend/girlfriends names tattooed on them just deserve for the relationship to go wrong anyway, for being so fucking stupid as to become someone's property.
I think what most people who don't have tattoos don't realise is that people with tattoos are as disgusted with some other tattoos as they are. Some people who call themselves tattooists need to be locked up for the appalling work in which they do on people, and the people who continue to go to these 'scratchers' deserve all of the shit tattoos they get.
I don't think that celebrities can be entirely blamed for the upsurge in people choosing to get tattoos. I for one have never said that I want tattoos just because a celebrity has them. You'll actually find that most tattooed people abhor celebrity tattoo fiends!

Another response...


I think the main issue with football yobs all goes back to those who are part of firms. They especially love to travel abroad just to fight with foreigners.

But one thing to sleep easier over, is that it isn't just the Brits who go around inciting violence, in my hooliganism blog I talked about the two Leeds United fans who got stabbed to death by Galataseray fans in Turkey. Those fans are possibly the most hated in the world as they have also incited violence against other teams as well as Leeds United.

It's just that the media really does seem to love slating England, and some of our fans are way too happy to live up to those kinds of stereotypes.

Oh by the way, the embarrassment on the pitch? I'd be fully expecting it if I were you, then at least if we do get anywhere, it'll be a pleasant surprise!!


I found your blog on unemployment incredibly insulting. I am unemployed at present, and it isn't because I don't want to work. I lost my job in 2008 and was unable to find one, so I worked in a tattoo studio, for no wage other than tattoos as payment. I then got a job in a pub kitchen, but I gave it up voluntarily to concentrate on University. My partner has only ever had one job, in between university, as he wanted to concentrate on his studies - therefore making him voluntarily unemployed.

My cousin fell pregnant a couple of years ago, and has had to make the decision to not return to work due to the fact that if her partner and herself both worked, they would have even less money than they have now as they would have to pay out childcare costs as well as all of the bills for the property they own.

You appear to have completely ignored the fact that many people are voluntarily unemployed, with no medical conditions, for a specific reason. Many of them have worked up until the point of them no longer working, and have therefore paid into the pot, which is there to help people who are unemployed.

Yes, there is a large amount of people out there who choose not to work just so that they can sponge off the state, but to tar everyone who is unemployed with the same brush is just as bad as say, saying that all Muslim's are terrorists or that all German's are Nazis. It is slanderous and it is lies.

And with regard to your point about those who are unemployed are more likely to commit crimes. Where is your proof? All of the criminals that I have come to know are all employed, some of which even own their own businesses.

Even drug addicts have to work in the most cases to fund their habits. Women (and men) who are addicted to heavy drugs will turn to prostitution to fund their habits. Are they any worse than the voluntarily unemployed?

I may as well add right here, that in a few years when the time comes for me to become a mother, I will again become voluntarily unemployed, in order to look after my children. As to me, a mother being with her child while they are growing up is more important than whether they are unemployed or not.

Oh and by the way, as you're a student, you don't actually pay taxes, so that point is invalid.

One for the road

I'm not going to say that I'm a saint and have never binge drunk. I'll openly admit to it, and I could have chosen much worse pictures, but to save my dignity I didn't!

I work in Oceana every Tuesday night selling tickets for the Get Lost student night and last night, May 4th, was the bar crawl which ended in oceana. Me and my partner (who also sells with me) were seated at our little table a bit further along from the ladies where we usually are waiting for the students to arrive when suddenly, flooding up the stairs came herds of animals. Honestly, unless you've ever been sober and seen floods of students on a bar crawl you will not understand what it is like.

Two of my friends appeared in front of my little table and proceeded to tell me how much they love me etc. Ok cool, fair enough. Then one of them fell on the floor on her back. Naturally, I thought to myself there is no way I am picking her up, because she will pull me down onto the floor with her, so I'll leave her there.
Less than a minute later, my other friend decided that she was going to crouch over her, sit on top of her, and start grinding against her. Of course, in front of a big groups of lads who proceeded to woop them on. The girls then got up, went over to the group of lads and snogged each other.
Same girls, later on, running around with a couple of lads, all over them etc. When friend who fell on the floor and got grinded jumped onto one of the men and started simulating sex with him while kissing him. I would like to add at this point, that she has a long term boyfriend, and this kind of behaviour is a regular occurrence.

Now, later on in the night, I got up out of my seat to go and mingle, within a minute some drunk girl had sat herself there, next to my partner (who looked petrified by the way), with her t shirt completely ripped open and her bra on show for the world to see. She also looked as though she was going to vomit any minute so I quickly asked her to move (politely of course) so that I could get back to work.

I'm not going to sit here and say that I've never done stupid things when I've been drunk because I have, but I've at least always tried to have a bit of dignity. Knowing your limit is definitely a bonus, especially on things like bar crawls. I'm probably sounding like a kill joy, but to be honest, I don't care. If I ever act how I saw people behaving last night I'd rather never drink again. That's how disgusted I was.

Until I started university, I had never seen binge drinking on a level like I do now. I fully appreciate that there is a massive problem. The picture above was taken in Gorgeous nightclub in March/April time. On Thursday nights Gorgeous have a deal on. £7 in and all drinks cost 5p each. Yep, 5p each. I spent 40p in there and drank 8 bottles of carlsberg lager.

Considering that I have been thinking since September, that binge drinking is a major problem, I was surprised to find an article that actually states that the amount of people binge drinking has dropped!

This final picture is from my leaving party last week.

These are some of my favourite people ever.

And yes, alcohol was involved! Kelly, the one on the end fell over, but I think she's blaming the shoes rather than the alcohol!

Friday 30 April 2010

Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?

Firstly, I would like to apologise for the Kitty porn, I just couldn't help myself!

Porn. How many times have you been caught watching it I wonder? I've never been caught. I'm too clever for that :)

But why is it so shameful for us to admit that we watch it? Is it not a part of human nature?

Let's face it. Porn is the biggest thing since sliced bread. Porn stars are everywhere, and are sometimes thought of as bigger stars than actors and actresses.

Now porn is different from blogging, porn is about the (most of the time) beautiful creatures of this earth getting it on for our enjoyment. Of course every man does not have a shlong that large and not every woman has gigantic breasts, but we still watch it.

There is a kind of porno for every taste, softcore, hardcore, fetish, orientation based (gay, straight, lesbian), watersports, race orientated, and reality.

Now what I can't understand is when people get addicted. Why would you continue to watch porn when it is ruining your marriage or even losing you your job? Website (yes, thats right!) has provided me with some interesting information regarding what could be the cause of porn addictions. Now I'm not a scientist, nor do I claim to be good at science, but it all sounds really kinda cool...

Whether the motive for consuming pornography is sexual appetite, escape/self-medication, or any other reason, engaging in these addictions causes the brain and body to endogenouslyproduce and release chemical drugs into its own system. These chemicals include: epinephrine (an adrenal gland hormone that "locks-in" memories of experiences occurring at times of high arousal), adrenaline, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), noradrenaline, norepinephrine and testosterone, among others. This drug is dragging millions of troubled victims along in its destructive wake.
So... are you worried that you could be addicted to porn?

And you'll find out :)

Thursday 29 April 2010

Woof woof

Now, I cannot be accused of not doing my research for these blogs. In the name of research, I have found myself signing up to two websites, one of which deals with dogging and the other is like facebook, but for fetishes of a sexual nature.

I have no shame, I have to admit, and have found signing up to these sites possibly the funniest thing EVER. It's even funny when an, older shall we say, couple sends you pictures of their bits and pieces and ask you for a threesome. I would like to add at this point that the couple in question were around the ages of my parents. Needless to say, I said no thank you. This message was sent to me, within SECONDS of logging on. And after logging in today to see whether I had any new dirt in my inbox, yet again, more messages within minutes. Do these people just sit at their computers all day waiting for someone to come online so that they can message them and ask them to meet for sex?

I've always wondered why people would want to watch other people having sex? Now I'm not talking porn, thats for another blog, and to be at least, there is a massive difference. I mean people, everyday people, you and me, not these beautiful creatures with over enhanced breasts and cocks so big they literally scare me. I mean come on, why would you seriously get off on watching an old married couple going at it in the back of their hatchback? Or actually, for that matter, not even just an old married couple, young ones too!
Anyone, of any age, why? Save it for pornos!

Now, after logging on to fetlife and starting to set up my account, I got a little weirded out by the amount of things listed under sexual orientation. Don't get me wrong, or think I'm a homophobe or whatever, because that is seriously not the case at all. My bisexual friend who is a fetishist told me to go to the site as it would be helpful. I am also an active volunteer for the LGBT society, and even I didn't know what the hell half of them were about.
There were the usual, Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Queer, Asexual, Transgender M-F, Transgender F-M, etc etc, and the one that I'm most curious about, like most would be I imagine is Asexuality.

Asexuality in its broadest sense, describes lack of sexual attraction, or interest in or desire for sex. Sometimes, it is considered a lack of sexual orientation. One commonly cited study placed the incidence rate of asexuality at 1%.

Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy, which are behavioural and the latter is usually for a religious reason. A sexual orientation, unlike a behaviour, is definitionally "enduring". Some asexuals do have sex.

While Asexuals typically lack sexual desire for either sex, they may engage in emotional romantic relationships. There are certain terms regarding this:

  • Aromantic: lack of romantic attraction towards anyone of either sex.
  • Biromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of either sex.
  • Heteroromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of the opposite sex.
  • Homoromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of the same sex.
  • Panromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of any gender or lack of gender.
  • Transromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of variant or ambiguous gender.
  • Polyromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of more than one gender or sex but do not wish to identify as biromantic because it implies that there are only two binary genders or sexes.
I can only think that not being attracted to anyone must be horrible. Sex isn't everything, but not having a partner can be incredibly lonely. But then again, I suppose if you've never known it, then it's nothing different is it?

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Marching On Together!

Ahh Football...
After attending the heavenly stadium that is Elland Road to watch my beloved Leeds United give the MK Dons a 4 - 1 kicking on Saturday, I felt inspired to write a blog on football hooliganism. Not that there was any that I'm aware of before or after Saturday's game...

Hooliganism ranges from actual fist fights and shouting verbal abuse to full on riots. In some cases, stadium brawls have caused fans to flee in panic, causing walls and fences to collapse and actually kill people. Of course, these are only extreme cases, but it has happened. Most notably...
The Hillsborough Disaster:
On 15th April 1989, at Hillsborough Stadium, the home of Sheffield Wednesday FC, a human crush occured. Leaving 96 Liverpool fans dead. It remains the deadliest stadium-related disaster in British history and one of the worst ever international football accidents.The match was a FA Cup semi final tie between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, and was abandoned six minutes into the game.
In the lead up to the game, it was reported that many fans were caught in unannounced road works on the M62, causing thousands of fans to arrive at Hillsborough late. There were far too many fans trying to get in and not enough turnstiles. Those who had been refused entry were unable to move because of the crush behind them, and as a result, caused a massive obstruction. A small gate was opened to eject someone, and twenty fans got in. There was an estimated 5,000 fans attempting to get into the Stadium, so a gate was opened to try and ease the build up, this caused a rush of supporters into the Stadium. The rush of fans into the pens caused a crush at the front, against the fences (which were put up due to hooliganism). For some time, the problem at the front of the pen was not noticed by anybody other than those affected; the attention of most people was absorbed by the match, which had already begun. It was not until 3:06 pm that the referee, Ray Lewis, after being advised by the police, stopped the match several minutes in after fans had started climbing the fence to escape the crush. By this time, a small gate in the fencing had been forced open and some fans escaped via this route; others continued to climb over the fencing, and still other fans were pulled to safety by fellow fans in the West Stand directly above the Leppings Lane terrace. Finally the fence broke under pressure of people. As these events unfolded, some police officers were still being deployed to make a cordon three-quarters of the way down the pitch, with the aim of preventing Liverpool supporters reaching the Nottingham Forest supporters at the opposite end of the stadium. Some fans tried to break through the police cordon to ferry injured supporters to waiting ambulances, and were forcibly turned back. Forty-four ambulances had arrived at the stadium but police prevented all but one from entering.The fans were packed so tightly in the pens that many of the fatalities died standing up of compressive asphyxia. The pitch quickly started to fill with people sweating and gasping for breath and injured by crushing, and with the bodies of the dead. The youngest to die was 10.

The Hillsborough Disaster was a consequence of hooliganism, which was rife in the 1980's. Fencing was put up to stop pitch invasions and to try and control the violence in the terraces. Because of these fences, 96 people died. I've actually spent the last two days researching as much as possible into this disaster, and after spending many hours searching on youtube have found coverage from last years 20th Anniversary from the Football Focus show. It's in 7 parts, but is incredibly heart wrenching and thought provoking. I knew very little about the disaster until recently and fully intend on laying flowers for the dead at Anfield over the summer as a mark of respect.

Hooliganism is mainly caused through rivalries between football clubs. Obviously local teams are rivals, but also teams that actually are not that close together are also rivals. Leeds United and Manchester United have a long standing rivalry which originates from the rivalries between Yorkshire and Lancashire (Then again though, everyone hates Man Utd, apart from their supporters, who in the most case, are not from Manchester, and before you say anything, I may not live in Leeds myself, or be from Yorkshire, but as of June I will be and have already attended more Leeds United games than most Man Utd fans will ever attend so :P) This rivalry was in full bloom when Leeds United were at the top of their game in the 'Don Revie' days.

Pretty much every football club in England has what is called a 'firm', which is basically a gang. Some of them are more notorious than others, more so because of the level of violence which occurs. West Ham's ICF are well known, alongside Millwall's Bushwhackers. Millwall fans have more of a reputation when it comes to violence though, as do Cardiff supporters. Unfotunately for me, being a Leeds fan, Leeds' 'Service Crew' are also pretty notorious as being pretty violent. But every club has elements of violence and nastiness, some are just more documented than others.

Onto the subject of hooliganism and violence with regards to Leeds United, I want to talk about an incident that occured 10 years ago this month on the 5th April. Chris Loftus and Kevin Speight were brutally stabbed to death by Galataseray fans in Turkey in 2000. The Turks say that the violence erupted when the English insulted the Turkish flag, however, they found one man guilty after he confessed to stabbing one of the men and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He has not spent one minute of this sentence behind bars. Post mortems showed that Mr Loftus was stabbed 17 times, while Mr Speight suffered six stab wounds. These men were in their late thirties and had wives and children. Obviously, I didn't know them myself, but my wedding co ordinator, in a twist of fate did. She grew up with Chris and knew him and his family well. When I spoke to her about it she confirmed my suspicions that these men were not hooligans, they were just life long Leeds fans who had gone to see their beloved team play in a foreign country. I don't doubt that there were hooligans there that day, I just believe that those who ended up being killed, were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Every year a minutes silence is observed at the match closest to the anniversary of the deaths.

This year saw the 10th anniversary of the killings, and around 300 Leeds United fans gathered at Elland Road to pay their respects on the day. My partner and I were unable to attend that day, but we did take some flowers as a mark of respect later that week. This is a picture of the Billy Bremner statue which is situated outside the club shop on the East side of Elland Road.

For further information on football hooliganism see films such as Green Street, which concentrates on the West Ham firms, The Football Factory and the Firm.

This is part one of the Hillsborough disaster Football Focus special. I urge you to watch them all.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Bad Cinema...

A clockwork orange was released in 1971 and was based on Anthony Burgess' novel of the same name released in 1962.
In the United States, A Clockwork Orange was rated X in its original release form. Kubrick later, voluntarily, replaced some 30 seconds of sexually explicit footage, from two scenes, with less bawdy action, for an R-rated re-release in 1973. Current DVDs present the original X-rated form, and only some of the early '80s VHS editions are the R-rated form. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office for Film and Broadcasting rated it C (“Condemned”) because of the explicit sex and violence. Conceptually, said rating of condemnation forbade Roman Catholics from seeing A Clockwork Orange. In 1982, the Office abolished the “Condemned” rating; hence, films the Conference of Bishops deem to have unacceptable sex and violence are rated O, “Morally Offensive”.

The British authorities considered the sexual violence extreme, furthermore, there occurred legal claims that the movie A Clockwork Orange had inspired true copycat behaviour, as per press cuttings at the British Film Institute. In March 1972, at trial, the prosecutor accusing the fourteen-year-old-boy defendant of the manslaughter of a classmate, referred to A Clockwork Orange, telling the judge that the case had a macabre relevance to the film. The attacker, a Bletchley boy of sixteen, pleaded guilty after telling police that friends had told him of the film “and the beating up of an old boy like this one”; defence counsel told the trial “the link between this crime and sensational literature, particularly A Clockwork Orange, is established beyond reasonable doubt”. The press also blamed the film for a rape in which the attackers sang "Singin' in the Rain". Popular belief was that those copycat attacks led Kubrick to withdraw the film from distribution in the United Kingdom, however, in a television documentary, made after his death, widow Christiane confirmed rumours that he withdrew A Clockwork Orange on police advice, after threats against him and family (the source of those threats are undiscussed). That Warner Bros. acceded to his withdrawal request indicates the good business relations the director had with the studio, especially the executive Terry Semel. The ban was vigorously pursued in Kubrick’s lifetime. One art house cinema that defied the ban in 1993, and was sued and lost, is the Scala cinema at Kings Cross, London.

Whatever the reason for the film's withdrawal, for some 27 years, it was difficult to see the film in the United Kingdom.

When I first encountered 'A Clockwork Orange' I was 16 years old. My English teacher had copies of the book for the sixth form class who were doing is as part of their A Levels. I managed to talk her into lending me a copy because I thought it looked like a good read. It really was. To this day it is still one of my favourite books. I saw the film a couple of years later and was also enamoured with that. The ultra violence thrilled me and I still haven't seen a film as good or as violent as this.

It puts it into perspective just how nasty the film is when you watch a film like Kids, which, quite frankly really isn't

that shocking at all. Granted, I don't know anyone who has HIV, but I've been to much worse parties than featured in the film and have seen a lot more shit with my own eyes.

To me, in this day and age, it shouldn't be drugs that parents are worrying about when it comes to their teenagers. It should be violence. Films like A Clockwork Orange are surprisingly more up to date than Kids when it comes to social issues.

Saturday 24 April 2010


Okie doodle. Gambling.

Where does it cross the line from being a harmless bit of fun to a full on problem? I think it's kinda hard to tell to be fair but I suppose it could be the same as most other things, when it starts becoming a daily habit that is taking over your life, you have a problem.

I suppose the really bad thing about gambling is the fact that once money starts coming into it, you are playing with fire. Gambling addictions can get damn expensive (obviously).

I know people who full on love a game of poker online. These sites, to me, are a major problem. I've known people to sit up playing for a good 12 - 24 hours if they've been good enough to keep getting into tournaments. This is unhealthy, even if it is only done once in a while. But according to a helpguide website, gambling is only a problem when it is happening on a daily basis.

This is how I think of gambling. You have the occasional dabble, knowing it's only a bit of fun and when you can afford it, say at the greyhound racing. Nothing wrong with that, as long as you know that it is only a bit of fun...

Now, imagine going from that to thinking, hmm, I could make me some money here, I'm gonna do this again... and again... and again...

THEN think of this. You are that desperate to gamble, you take money from your childrens' savings accounts.

Friday 23 April 2010

Wah Wah Wah

Ok, so this blog might offend some people. But I'm not going to apologise, if you are offended, then you are obviously one of the people I am talking about, and therefore I have no respect for you. That won't change until behaviours change, and that's just that.

One of the things that riles me more than life itself is women, and not just teenagers, but women who just pop children out, with no regards as to how they are going to clothe or feed them with their own money. I appreciate that benefits are available for most people. But some women and men deliberately go out of their way to have children in order to live in council properties and sponge off the state. Statistics have shown though, that 90% of teenage mothers live with someone else, usually their parents. It begs the question though, why would the parents allow it? I know I bloody wouldn't.
I've always been of the opinion that children should not be brought into the world unless they are coming into a stable home and to married parents. I know that not all marriages are not perfect, I've just always felt that one should be married before they have a child. Now I'm not slagging people off who have children out of wed lock at all, one of my best friends is an unmarried mother, and she is a damn good mother at that, her son is very much so lucky to have her as a mum!

I'll get around to my point then... The kinds of mothers that really piss me off, are those who have their kids, then spend every weekend going out and getting wankered. Leaving the kid with her parents, or the child's father who they are usually separated from. Now. How exactly is this setting a good example to your child? Have any of you ever watched snog, marry, avoid on BBC3? Picture one of those young mothers and tell me that you don't want to punch them in the face for being an irresponsible parent. I don't care how old they are when it comes to this, a parent should be at home looking after their child. And yeah, fair enough, if the parents are separated, go and have an occasional night out. But think about your actions and grow the fuck up.

I can never understand why children would want children. When I was 14 all I wanted to do was go and have fun with my friends. I certainly wasn't thinking about having children. I found this on a Yahoo! message board

Hey, Im a 15 yr old girl that is dying to get pregnant. I always feel alone and unloved so i firgure that this is the best way to have someone that loves me.

(note. I copied and pasted, the spelling mistake is not mine.)

Are these girls for real? Children are NOT dolls. They are not here to make us feel loved.
The only thing that this child needs is a psychiatrist.

Children are handed condoms from an early age to try and stop pregnancies and the spreading of STD's. Ok, fair enough, but handing out condoms to under 16's is almost like we're telling them it's ok to go and have sex, as long as they are protected. We are failing to teach them about the risks of STD's and just how much is involved in raising a child.

It all comes down to parents and schools. They need to actually teach children rather than shying away from what's really going on.

Thursday 22 April 2010


[rey-siz-uh m] - noun
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement. Usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government etc, based upon or fostering such a doctrine: discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

But why are certain races more intolerant of others? A recent survey has brought to light that solitary workers such as minicab drivers, shop workers and takeaway owners who are black and minority ethnic are at more of a risk of racist attack. Presumably by white people.

Results like this discust me. When it is brought to light that we are too pussy to attack people who are of a different skin colour to us when they are surrounded by people. It just goes to show the culture we live in today.

However, stories that are not printed in the newspapers or broadcast on television are those of racist attacks against white people. Unfortunately, many people don't seem to think that racist attacks can happen to white people. Now I'm not racist in any shape or form, but what I don't think is fair, is that these attacks are also happening to whites as well as minority groups, but they are never publicised. If everyone has prejudice against each other, why is it only white people who are seen as being the majorly racist ones?

How is this fair?

It sheds a really bad light on all of us, pretty much in the same way as youth culture does, all young adults are trouble. I'm not, nor am I racist, but I cannot condone racist attacks from any cultural group.

For more information on these attacks, simply google racist attacks on white people. You'll be surprised, as I was

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Skin deep

Excuse me for being a fame whore here, but I just couldn't help myself...

Tattoos and body modification is my thing. I just plain bloody love it. Everything about it. Especially the pain of it.

Tattoos aren't for everybody, I get that, and I try the best I can to not rub my tattoos, or my views on them in people's faces. But as you can see, it's kinda hard not to, especially in the summer. Every single tattoo I have is on a part of the body that is visible. I don't hide them. I'm not ashamed of any of them and I never will be. They are a part of me and if people cannot accept that, then byeeee!!!

Sounds harsh yeah? Well how about the sheer amount of us inked folk who get turned down for jobs simply because we have (a) tattoo(s). How about the amount of abuse we have to put up with for choosing to have these beautiful works of art inked into our skin.

Tattoos are like marmite, you either love them or you hate them...

I'm a full on lover. Have been since as long back as I can remember and I got my first tattoo age 16. Granted, it's a tramp stamp (lower back tribal), but I still wouldn't have it covered, only added to. My tattoos tell a story and are memoirs about events that have happened in my life. I think them through, the big ones anyway, and know exactly what I want, where I want it and how I want it to look.

I have a total of 30 tattoos. I didn't keep a track as they were being done, someone just randomly asked me one day so I actually counted them all, and 30 was the number... What I suppose is the saddest thing of it all, is that I remember the order I had them in... Oh dear!

In addition to my beautiful art work, I've gone a little bit mad over the years with piercings and such. Until Christmas, I had my ears stretched up to 14mm (they still haven't shrunk back to normal size, and I doubt they ever will. I'm considering stretching them again as I miss them :() I've also had my lip pierced twice, tragus twice, tongue, nose 4 times, septum, belly button twice, nipple, upper ear and each ear lobe 4 times. I HATE getting piercings, but I just can't stop myself!

I've also worked in a tattoo studio, for about 9 months or so. I started out as the receptionist then slowly worked my way up to apprentice. I did three tattoos, one of which is on my mum (go cool momma!) but decided that tattooing for a living wasn't my thing, and I gave it all up to come to uni!

The debates about tattoos and body modifications has gone on for goodness knows how long. Many people perceive those who have tattoos to be thugs and hooligans. (In fact, a good friend of mine actually admitted that when she first saw my pictures on facebook, she thought I was a thug. The reality is that I'm far from being a thug. My tattoos are all girly pussy ass tattoos of flowers and angel wings and birds. I just do them on a bigger scale than most!) The reality is though is that there is only a small percentage of tattooed people who are thugs. Don't get me wrong, I've seen some right states, birds covered in shit tattoos looking as trashy as a dustbin. But for everyone you see like that, there is someone (like me, I hope) who is giving the tattoo industry a good name.

Artists like Kat Von D are out there showing the public that tattoos are not just for sailors and criminals. Kat is an incredibly beautiful woman (in my eyes anyway) and she is covered from head to toe in ink but still looks amazing. Megan Fox has tattoos, Angelina Jolie has tattoos. These women are the most beautiful women in the world and them having tattoos does not change a thing!

People often try and argue the point that when I'm 60 I'm going to be horrified at my tattoos and will want to hide them all, and that they will look a mess... Well...
One. No I won't. My tattoos are my autobiography. I've just chosen to write it on my skin rather than in a book.
Two. People need to realise just how many people in my age group have tattoos of some variety. Yeah some of us have had a lot. But when were all 60, we'll ALL have wrinkly tattoos. I certainly won't be alone.
Three. I have stories to tell my grandchildren. I literally have a story for each tattoo I have. I could sit for hours talking about the weird ass situations I've been in because of my tattoos and through working at a tattoo studio.
Four. Get a grip. Nobody is forcing you to get a tattoo so stop nagging at us. We're fucking adults and if we want to have ink put into our skin then we pissing well will. Alright?

The moment I won over my Mother in Law to be with my tattoos was one of the proudest moments of my life. I successfully turned a Christian woman who was dead set against body modification into a Christian woman who admitted that tattoos were actually pieces of artwork.

What a freaking achievement.

I would like to thank all of the wonderful tattoo artists who have blessed me with ink over the last 7 years. And also the not so wonderful and sometimes crazy fuckers. Who have still taught me a thing or two...

Tuesday 20 April 2010


Infidelity is a violation of the mutually agreed-upon rules or boundaries of an intimate relationship, which constitutes a significant breach of faith or a betrayal of core shared values with which the integrity of the relationship is defined. In common use, it describes an act of unfaithfulness to one’s husband, wife, or lover, whether sexual or non-sexual in nature. According to good old Wikipedia anyway... And I think it pretty much sums it up.

To me, cheating is a flat out turn off. As far as I am concerned if you are that unhappy or unsatisfied in your relationship, you leave your partner. There is NEVER any excuse to cheat. I'm not saying that everybody will agree with me, because I know full well that people won't. I'm just giving my opinion...

I have never cheated, and I never will. The thought of it turns my stomach to a point where I could physically be sick. I can never understand or agree with people's reasons for cheating on their partners and I could certainly never justify it. In the lecture, someone mentioned the scenario of your partner had been abusive towards you, so you cheating on them would get back at them. No it wouldn't. If they found out, it would piss them off so much that they would probably kill you next time they went into attacking mode. Think it through. Also, two wrongs don't make a right. Trying to justify being a whore and cheating on your partner because he beat you up is bull crap. If your partner was really that abusive, just pack your crap up and leave, or inform the police. Restraining orders are there for a reason.

As I said, I have never cheated, nor have I ever been cheated on (as far as I know), but I've known far too many people who have cheated on their partners and dragged me into the mess of it all. Now, for the record, I never asked them to bring me into it, I just can't help it if I have a friendly face and am easy to talk to! One friend in particular was cheating on her fiancée with one of their mutual friends. I knew all three of them well so you can only imagine the position I was put in. I was steaming mad that my friend was stupid enough to cheat, especially with her partners friend, but I was even more pissed that she had involved me in the mess. Now, my chum, she's incredibly manipulative, and she definitely knows how to wind people around her fingers (although her manipulations have never worked on me). Her partner never found out, and still doesn't know even now they have split up. But when her brother found out, her reaction was to take an overdose so that she could use the excuse of 'my head was all over the place, I didn't know what I was thinking'. (My friend is bipolar, she likes to use it as an excuse to behave like a prick.) Majorly cowardly I think you will agree. Since that point, I have distanced myself from her. With good reason!

If my partner ever cheated on me I think I would probably kill him. Although, he wouldn't dare. We both love being in a monogamous relationship and we tell each other everything. We are literally unable to hide things from each other, and I love that. I've never understood open relationships, and I don't think I ever actually will. Maybe I'm quite closed minded to things like that, but I got my morals and not much else, so I stick to them like glue. I think that it's one of the things my partner loves the most about me if I'm honest.
I actually just asked him, and he said it depends, because I can get a little 'high horsey' with them... woops.
He doesn't like my opinions on John Terry though. But as I just argued, he is a cheater, therefore he is a prick. Nuff said. My views on that man are quite strong, and I'll openly admit, I thought he was a nice bloke until recently. He seemed like the perfect husband, the perfect family man and the perfect candidate for the England Captaincy, but then he went and cheated on his wife and in come my morals and John Terry is now a prick. If he cheats on his family, then it leaves it open to wonder whether he would be capable of cheating for his country. That's my view anyway. Once a cheat, always a cheat.

I'm gonna get off my high horse now, but be warned Phil... cheat and this'll be the best thing that happens to you! Muhahahahaha!

Responses - Smoking

I would probably still be a smoker if it wasn't for the government making it illegal to smoke in clubs etc. It ruined my life that bloody law did let me tell you! I completely agree with your point about it being humiliating in circumstances like the one you found yourself in. Smokers used to be left to their own devices, with no problems, yet as soon as this law came in, they were seen as scum who had to be hidden around the back of buildings or clubs, heaven forbid smokers should tarnish the name of these establishments!
I never pictured myself quitting, I genuinely always thought I would continue smoking until I die, just like my Nan did, but I did quit, and I am glad that I did. But give me an alcoholic beverage and you'll spot me standing outside a pub puffing away on a ciggie, usually freezing my tits off!
It almost seems as if the government are trying to punish smokers for providing them with so much moolar over the years, after all, the taxes on cigarettes earn them more than anything else!

Audrey Hepburn is the kind of woman every woman should aspire to be, in my opinion anyway!
Yes, I agree with you that quitting smoking is incredibly difficult, the weight gain is a particular pain in the arse. But then again, it all depends on the individual concerned. I had attempted to quit smoking many times during my time as a permanent smoker, with no success. Yet as soon as it came to me getting engaged and seriously thinking about preparing my body for carrying children, I just stopped. Literally. Although, every now and then (as I pointed out above) I have a few sneaky ciggies with alcohol, but to me, smoking socially is not that big a deal.

Monday 19 April 2010

Teenage kicks...

In the masturbation lecture, a small number of people said that they had never masturbated...
Everybody has, only some people, for some strange reason, are too pussy to admit to it.
It's not wrong, or dirty, or disgusting. Masturbation is a means of exploring your body and what you like sexually.
But I'm guessing those who said they hadn't, were women...
Websites like the one in the link are full of top tips to help women find their g-spots, and discover different techniques to help them in their quest for ultimate arousal.

Although there are exceptions to the rule, the Bible, Koran and other texts tend to focus on male masturbation as a sin, they also imply the same for women.

It seems a shame to me that female masturbation cannot be taken in the same contexts as male masturbation. Female masturbation is seen as something majorly erotic, while male masturbation is looked upon as a joke. Men discuss every aspect of their adventures in wanking, be it in public, a girl who has tossed them off, or what new techniques they have discovered. Women on the other hand have to keep their personal erotic adventures private, it's something that is not allowed to be discussed in public or with friends. Unless you have a very open group of friends that is. It makes me wonder why masturbation is so far behind every other male/female battle of the sexes subjects in society. Men and women are, pretty much, classed as equals, yet women still feel inadequate when it comes to self love.

Apologies if I sound like a modern day feminist here, I was just of the impression that we were all equal these days...

Sunday 18 April 2010

Paint your target

This man is a genius...
Regardless of whatever is said about him Banksy is a legend.

To me, he is one of the greatest artists of our generation. He inspires so many to follow their dreams of painting and to express themselves.

The only difference is, is that he expresses himself on walls.

Now I know that this could be classed as vandalism and all that shit. But can it still be called vandalism if it's works of art? I mean seriously people, would you rather see boring stone walls, or brightly decorated pictures adorning your streets.

I know what I'd prefer.

But the only time that graffiti can be seen as bad, for me anyway, if when it starts becoming offensive or gang related. But there seems to be less and less of that around now. It all seems to be there simply as a means of an artist getting their work out into the public eye.

These people shouldn't be seen as criminals, they are merely artists.

In the US in the late 60's, graffiti was used as a form of expression by political activists. And is one of the four main elements of hip hop culture, alongside rapping, djing and breakdancing.

In 2004, 123 MP's, including Tony Blair signed a charter which stated...

Graffiti is not art, it's crime. On behalf of my constituents, I will do all I can to rid our community of this problem.

Yeah, because signing a petition is going to stop them isn't it?

Those in Stroud, Gloucestershire have got the right idea, by allowing certain spaces in the town where graffiti artists can showcase their talent. These constituences should be supporting the talent coming out of their towns, and they should be embracing it, not trying to keep it locked away!